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Lone Star is a american film of genre Drama directed by John Sayles released in USA on 21 june 1996 with Ron Canada

Lone Star (1996)

Lone Star
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Sheriff Sam Deeds

Facebook Share this quote on facebook You oughta put up a banner: "Frontera, Texas: gateway to inexpensive pussy."

Facebook Share this quote on facebook No telling yet if there's been a crime, but this country's seen a fair amount of disagreements over the years.

Pilar Cruz

Facebook Share this quote on facebook All my mother does is work. That's how you get to be Spanish.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook All that other stuff, all that history? To hell with it, right? Forget the Alamo.

Otis Payne

Facebook Share this quote on facebook It's not like there's a line between the good people and the bad people. It is not like you're one or the other.

Wesley Birdsong

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Hell, at my age, you learn a new name you gotta forget an old one.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Mickey: Think her family's gonna be okay that you're a white guy?
Sgt. Cliff: They think any woman over 30 who isn't married is a lesbian. She figures, they'll be so relieved that I'm a man...
Mickey: Yeah, it's always heartwarming to see a prejudice defeated by a deeper prejudice.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Bartender: I'm as liberal as the next guy.
Sheriff Sam Deeds: If the next guy is a redneck.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Chucho Montoya: You're the sheriff of Rio County, right? Un jefe mui respectado. [drawing a line in the sand] Step across this line. You're not the sheriff of nothing anymore, just some tejano with a lot of questions I don't have to answer. A bird flying south, you think he sees this line? Rattlesnake? Javelina? Whatever you got. You think halfway across that line they start thinking different? Why should a man?
Sheriff Sam Deeds: Your government's always been pretty happy to have that line, the question's just been where to draw it.
Chucho Montoya: My government can go fuck itself, and so can yours! I'm talking about people here. Men.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Sheriff Sam Deeds: Mrs. Bledsoe?
Minnie Bledsoe: That's me.
Sheriff Sam Deeds: I'm Sheriff Deeds.
Minnie Bledsoe: Sheriff Deeds is dead, honey. You just Sheriff Junior.
Sheriff Sam Deeds: Yeah, that's the story of my life.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Stephen Mendillo - Sgt. Cliff