James Ubriacco
Mollie Ubriacco
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Mikey Ubriacco: Stop brushing her, Julie. She already looks like a Q-tip.
Julie Ubriacco: Your dog smells like a diaper.
Mikey Ubriacco: Does not!
Julie Ubriacco: Diaper dog! Diaper dog!
Mikey Ubriacco: Q-tip head dog.
Julie Ubriacco: Stinky dog!
Mikey Ubriacco: Bald-butted dog.
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Mikey Ubriacco: I don't wanna brush my teeth. I brushed them last Saturday!
James: I know, but you're gonna have plants growing out of your mouth.
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Rocks: Ma, hey, Ma! Check it out! I got these things on my face to open. I can see! I can see... wrinkly butts. Yuck!
Rocks' Mother: Oh, they're not mine. They're your brothers' and sisters'.
Rocks: Good. That makes me the cute one.
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Mollie: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess, and she moved to Queens. The end.
Julie Ubriacco: That's not a story!
Mollie: It is tonight. Good night.
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Mollie: James.
James: What?
Mollie: Don't tell jokes.
James: I'm funny!
Mollie: You *are* funny, honey, in sort of a...
James: Corny.
Mollie: Corny, kind of funny.
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Mollie: Most little girls are obsessed with ponies and mermaids, not big sweaty men making jump shots. Should we be worried? Mike!
James: Well, it's the Suns, honey. If it were the Mavericks, I'd be worried.
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Mikey Ubriacco: We need a dog. 'Cause like those guys who come to our door to sell stuff, he could chew their legs off.
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James: Mike, what do you think of this suit?
Mikey Ubriacco: You look like my principal.
James: See? Even he thinks it's stupid.
Mollie: *He* is not offering you a dental plan.
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James: Honey, this isn't me. I wanna be myself.
Mollie: Okay, you're not gonna get this job if you're yourself.
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Julie Ubriacco: Look! They like each other!
[to Mollie] See, honey, they like each other.
Daphne: Mongrel.
Rocks: Bitch.
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Mr. Conti's Secretary: Mr. Conti's office? WHAT cabin? I'm sorry, there must be some mistake. Mr. Conti is in the Bahamas with his family-EEEEEEEE.
[gets prodded in a ticklish area by a playful workmate, laughs zealously] Share this quote on facebook
Mikey Ubriacco:
[after he and James have brought Rocks home and have seen Daphne for the first time] I like Rocks better...
[putting his hand over Mikey's mouth] A dog! A dog! Finally a dog! We'll play with your Rocks later.
Mikey Ubriacco:
[muffled] Okay, no problem.
Mollie: As I was just telling Samantha, there's no way we'd take her precious baby away.
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Daphne: What's your name?
Rocks: They call me No.
Daphne: Silly, that's not your name. That's what they say when you're bad. There must be something else, what're they always calling you?
Rocks: Well, there is that rocks thing.
Daphne: Rocks, that's it!
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Mollie: You want to open another one of your presents?
Mikey Ubriacco: It's probably just more stupid clothes.
Mollie: Well, you know that? If it weren't for them, you'd be freezing your little tushie off right now.
Julie Ubriacco: Yeah!
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Julie Ubriacco: Look, they like each other.
Daphne: Mongrel.
Rocks: Bitch.
[to Mollie] See, honey. They like each other.