Lucky Lady is a 1975 American film directed by Stanley Donen and starring Gene Hackman, Liza Minnelli and Burt Reynolds, with Robby Benson. Its story takes place during Prohibition in the United States in the year 1930.
Gene Hackman initially did not want to do the film, but 20th Century Fox kept offering him more and more money. Finally, Fox offered him $1.25 million, and according to talent agent Sue Mengers, "it was almost obscene for him not to do the film."
On February 1, 2011 Shout! Factory released the film on DVD for the first time.Synopsis
During the Prohibition era, a young widow, Claire, gets involved in liquor smuggling and romance with two men, Walker and Kibby, off the San Diego coast. Organized crime controls bootlegging back east and wants to do the same here, so a hit man named McTeague is sent to deal with these amateur crooks, as is the Coast Guard, leading to various battles at sea.