Luis Martinetti, Contortionist is an 1894 short film produced by the Edison Manufacturing Company. The film, which runs 12.5 seconds, consists of a contortionist act performed by Luis Martinetti of the Martinetti Brothers trapeze act. Martinetti wears tiger-striped tights and performs contortionist poses on a pair of trapeze rings.
The film was shot on October 11, 1894 at the Edison Black Maria studio in West Orange, New Jersey.
The film is preserved by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and was released on the 2000 DVD box set Treasures from American Film Archives, which was compiled by the National Film Preservation Foundation.
Directed byWilliam Kennedy Laurie Dickson, William Heise OriginUSA GenresDrama, Documentary ActorsWilliam Kennedy Laurie Dickson Rating52% Le Salut de Dickson est la première apparition publique de photographies en mouvement sur un support en nitrate de cellulose (celluloïd), support souple et fin inventé en 1887 par John Carbutt et commercialisée dès 1888 par l'industriel George Eastman sous la forme d'un ruban de 70 mm de large et dont la longueur est en principe sans limite, mettant fin au cycle court du jouet optique.