Maïna is a Canadian drama film, released in 2013. Directed by Michel Poulette, the film stars Roseanne Supernault as Maïna, the daughter of Innu chief Mishtenapuu (Graham Greene), who embarks on a quest into Inuit territory to rescue Nipki, a young boy from her community captured by the Inuit following a battle.
The film's cast also includes Tantoo Cardinal, Eric Schweig and Natar Ungalaaq.
The film was named Best Picture at the 2013 American Indian Film Festival, and Supernault was named Best Actress. The film also garnered six Canadian Screen Award nominations at the 2nd Canadian Screen Awards, including Best Picture, Best Art Direction/Production Design, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Original Score and Best Make-Up.Synopsis
Maïna relate la première rencontre des Inuits et des Innus. Maïna, le personnage principal du film, en essayant de sauver Nipki, un autre Innus, se fait capturer par les inuits. Elle y rencontre alors l'Inuit Natak, et ils tombent amoureux l'un de l'autre... Maina est Innu de Betsimites