Marguerite is a 2015 comedy-drama film directed by Xavier Giannoli. It was written by Giannoli and Marcia Romano, loosely inspired by the life of Florence Foster Jenkins. Set in the Golden Twenties, the film stars Catherine Frot as a socialite and aspiring opera singer who believes she has a beautiful voice. The film is an international co-production between France, the Czech Republic and Belgium. It was filmed in Prague from mid-September to early December 2014. It was screened in the main competition section of the 72nd Venice International Film Festival.Synopsis
À Paris, dans les années 1920. Marguerite est une aristocrate vieillissante, passionnée de musique. Persuadée de son talent, elle a plaisir à chanter devant ses amis à son domicile, mais elle chante excessivement faux, et ni ses amis ni son mari n'osent lui dire la vérité. Un jour, elle décide de chanter à l'opéra devant un vrai public, elle engage donc comme professeur de chant Atos Pezzini, un chanteur d'opéra sur le retour.