Mental is an upcoming Bangladeshi psychological thriller film directed by Shamim Ahamed Roni with screenplay by Abdullah Zahir and Daud Hussein. It is expected to release on 14 April 2015 by Bangla Express Films. Shakib Khan, Nusrat Imrose Tisha, Achol Akhe and Sabrina Porshi were cast in the lead roles. It is the Unofficial remake of 2013 Kannada film Bachchan. The Official Teaser Trailer was released on 2 February 2015.Synopsis
An underworld mafia steals valuable mineral resources and sell them over to international crime organization . Simi (Nusrat Imrose Tisha); a news reporter finds out and exposes the whole criminal chain to the media, despite all threats from them. An unknown, mysterious but affectionate and intimidating man comes up to help, The story revolves around revealing the true identity of him and his link to the Underworld.