Mercenaries is an action-adventure war film directed by Paris Leonti, his second film after Daylight Robbery. Set for a limited UK theatrical release date of January 27, 2012, and an international release following, the film stars Billy Zane, Robert Fucilla and Kirsty Mitchell. Mercenaries was announced as one of the official selection of films for the Ibiza Film Festival 2011 and also had a showing the same year at the Cannes film festival
^ http://www.cineprodplc.Synopsis
Andy Marlow is an ex-British S.A.S serviceman turned mercenary who is working covertly at an observation post in the Balkans after a military coup has resulted in the assassination of the Serbian Prime Minister. The coup has been instigated by Olodan Cracovic, the ex-commander of the Croat Army and wanted war criminal. During the unrest, Olodan’s army raided the U.S. Embassy and has taken the U.S Ambassador and his aide captives. The decision is taken to send in Mercenaries to carry out the top secret rescue.