Mickey's Service Station is a 1935 animated short film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by United Artists. The film, which stars Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy as car mechanics, is notable as the first to feature the three characters as a comedy trio. The film was also the final black-and-white appearance of Donald, Goofy, and Pete, and the penultimate animated black-and-white film produced by Disney after Mickey's Kangaroo which was released later the same year. Mickey's Service Station was directed by Ben Sharpsteen, who at the time had only directed Silly Symphony shorts, and starred the voices of Walt Disney, Clarence Nash, Pinto Colvig, and Billy Bletcher.
The cartoon has been colorized and is available in color on YouTube and on DVD versions of Disney's House of Mouse.Synopsis
Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy are working at a car service station, working together to fix a broken car. Soon Peg-Leg Pete comes by, and angrily demands that they fix a squeak in his tires. He tells them that if they don't get the job done in ten minutes, they'll have their heads cut off. Scared by the thought, they quickly get to work. Slight gags show them to be inept at car repairing, including scenes where Goofy and Donald pull each other through the car's lights, Mickey getting stuck in a tire several times, and Goofy smashing pieces of the car's engine.