Midnight is a 1922 American drama silent film directed by Maurice Campbell and written by Harvey F. Thew. The film stars Constance Binney, William Courtleigh, Sidney Bracey, Arthur Stuart Hull, Herbert Fortier, Helen Lynch and Edward Martindel. The film was released on February 19, 1922, by Paramount Pictures.
As described in a film publication, Minnie (Joy), the homeliest girl in town, is devoted to her father (Barnum), a discouraged inventor who has been working on a wireless device. Subject to the sneers of her neighbors, Minnie "invents" a lover and sends herself letters and flowers. Her stepsister (Lynch) suspects the truth and threatens to expose her. Desperate, she claims an unidentified body at the morgue and tells a reporter (Moore) that this is her lover, unaware that the body is that of a Chinese man. The absent-minded reporter sees he heart and forgets about the big story. After further disappointments in the invention, Minnie's stepmother decides to leave her father. Her father then has a success and becomes rich. At a celebration, the stepsister and townspeople are surprised when a new couple appear, which turn out to be the former reporter and his lovely wife Minnie.