Molly Bawn is a 1916 British silent drama film directed by Cecil M. Hepworth and starring Alma Taylor, Stewart Rome and Violet Hopson. It is an adaptation of the 1878 Irish novel Molly Bawn by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.
While her sailor husband is away, Nellie Jennis (Taylor) receives a visit from her brother Jack (Lionelle Howard), who is being sought by the police for an attack on another man. Jack claims he is being wrongly accused as his actions were in self-defence, and Nellie agrees to shelter him for a while until he can make good his escape. When her husband Bob (Rome) returns home, he finds evidence which Nellie has overlooked indicating that a man has been staying in his absence. He assumes the worst and is consumed by jealous rage. Nellie refuses to break Jack's confidence by telling Bob the truth, and becomes so fearful and distraught about Bob's treatment of her that she flees from home, taking their baby with her.