Mothers & Daughters is a 2004 Independent Film written and directed by British duo Hannah Davis and David Conolly.
This is a story of Londoners connected by family, friends and a certain therapist who brings all her patients’ problems back to their mothers. Lives start to unravel during an eventful dinner party where the cook spoils the food, a coke headed model flirts with a married vicar, a secret affair is exposed, old family wounds are reopened and one meddling mother drops by to cause even more trouble.
Nominated for the Golden Hitchcock Award, Mothers & Daughters was described as the “Highlight of Montreal (World Festival)” by Indie Wire. “Good Performance, pacing and sharp script” declared Variety. "Bourgeois comedy at its best. Disturbing and utterly hilarious" announced RAINDANCE, “Jean Boht gives a powerful performance… at times almost too painful to watch”, exclaimed THE DAILY MAIL.Synopsis
Lives start to unravel during an eventful dinner party when the group are forced to face their issues head on. For one couple, vicar Dan (David Conolly) and his wife Emma (Joanna Pecover) are faced with the revelation that one of them has been having an affair with the evening’s hostess Kate (Miranda Hart). Worse of all she has to in turn face her mother (Joan Blackham) who drops in to “help-out”. Drug fueled sex, lustful longings and how to make cous-cous… are there some things a girl shouldn't share with her mother?