Motorcycle Diaries is an upcoming Malayalam film directed by Rajesh Pillai starring Kunchako Boban in the lead role. The film is based on the mental relationship between one motorcycle and his previous owner. The film is being produced by Sugeeth (director of Ordinary) and Satheesh under the banner of Ordinary Films. Bollywood scenarist Suresh Nair, Tamil writer Jeyamohan and Rajesh Pillai wrote the script. Santosh Thundiyil and Aneesh Lal crank the camera for the film. Shaan Rahman composes the music and also makes his debut as an actor. The film started shoot in Kolkata in May 2013.
The film is about motorcycles and the story is narrated through the eyes of a Bullet. From the time it hits the road in the 70's to present forms the plot. The story narrates how the motorcycle touches an emotional chord in the two lead characters.Synopsis
The story is centered around an old motorcycle, which turns out to be a crucial element connecting the emotions of two separate persons. Which one of the characters has nostalgic feeling with bullet while other one has bullet as the spirit. The movie has portraying the emotional war between the owners to the bullet.