Mr. Doodle Kicks Off is a 1938 American comedy film directed by Leslie Goodwins and written by Bert Granet. The film stars Joe Penner, June Travis, Richard Lane, Ben Alexander and Billy Gilbert. The film was released on October 7, 1938, by RKO Pictures.
^ "Mr. Doodle Kicks Off (1938) - Overview -". Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved 13 September 2014.
^ "Mr. Doodle Kicks Off Trailer, Reviews and Schedule for Mr. Doodle Kicks Off -". TV Guide. Retrieved 13 September 2014.
^ "Movie Review - Mr Doodle Kicks Off - THE SCREEN; ' Childhood of Maxim Gorky' Is Shown at the Cameo--The Rialto Offers 'Mr. Doodle Kicks Off' At the Rialto -". Retrieved 13 September 2014.Synopsis
Ellory Bugs has offered a huge donation to his old alma mater, Taylor Tech, which is to be paid only if his son, Jimmie "Doodle" Bugs, becomes a football hero. But "Doodle" tips the scales at 143 pounds and is more interested in the band than the football team. Janice Martin, daughter of the college president, is the great thing in "Doodle's" life, but she despises him and has eyes only for Mickey Wells, the school football star. "Doodle" is consoled by Professor Minorous, of the Greek Mythology department who tells him that the gods will solve all of his problems, and starts right in to make communications with these worthies by means of countless and meaningless blackboard equations.