Jack Kelly
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You got no brains! Why are we starting to fight each other? It's just what the big shots want to see that we're street trash; street rats with no brains with no respect for nothin' including ourselves! So here's how it is: if we don't act together, then we're nothin', if we don't stick together, we're nothin', and if we can't even trust each other, then we're nothin'.
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Nope, it's nineteen Weasel. It's nineteen, but don't worry about it; it's an honest mistake. See Morris, he can't count to twenty with his shoes on.
Racetrack Higgins
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In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies, peddling the papers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randalph Hearst, and other giants of the newspaper world. On every corner you saw them carrying the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and runaways, the newsies were a ragged army without a leader, until one day all that changed.
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Five bucks? We ain't got five bucks! We ain't even got five cents! Hey your honor how bout I roll ya for it, double or nothin'?
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Hey, glum and dumb! What'sa matta with you? You get your picture in the papes, you're famous. You're famous, you get anything you want! That's what's so great about New York!
Spot Conlon
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Listen, they're gonna be playing with my hands alright. Cuz it ain't what they say, it's what we say. And nobody ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em.
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Jack: If we go on strike, then we
are a union, right?
David: No. We're just a bunch of angry kids with no money.
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Jack: Extra, extra, read all about it! Ellis Island in flames big conflablataion!
David: Hey, where's that story?
Jack: Page nine. Thousands Flee in Panic!
David: "Trash Fire Next To Immigration Building Terrifies Seagulls"?
Jack: Terrified Flight from Inferno!
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David: You're a liar! You lied about everything. You lied about your father being out west, 'cause he's not out west! You didn't even tell me your real name!
Jack: So? What you wanna do about it Dave?
David: I don't understand you.
Jack: Oh, so let me spell it out for you. You see, I ain't got nobody tucking me in at night, like you. It's just me, I gotta look out for myself.
David: You had the Newsies!
Jack: Oh, what'd being a Newsie ever give me but a dime a day and a few black eyes? You know, I can't afford to be a kid no more, Dave. For the first time in my life, I got money in my pockets. Real money. Money, you understand? I got more on the way and as soon as I collect, I'm gone, I'm away.
David: Well, that's good! That's good because we don't need you! We don't need you! All those words you said, those were mine.
Jack: Yeah, but you never had the guts to put them across yourself, did ya?
David: I do now.
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Jack: Heya, Race.
Racetrack: Hey Jack.
Jack: How was your day at the track?
Racetrack: You know that hot tip I told you about? Nobody told the horse.
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Jack: We gotta get the word out to every newsie in New York! We need some of those...whadja call 'em?
David: Ambassadors?
Jack: Right. Okay, you guys gotta be ambastards...
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Jack: Didja miss me, Weasel? Huh, didja? Didja miss me?
Weasel: I've told ya a million times...it's Wisel, and that's Mr. Wisel to you. How many?
Jack: Don't rush me, I'm perusin' the merchandise,
Mr. Weasel!
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Boots: Hey what is that? That all about us?
Spot: Where's me pitcha? Where's me pitcha?
Mush: Look at you Jack! You look like a gentleman!
Jack: Will ya please get ya fingers off my face.
Spot: Where does it say my name? Where's my name?
Jack: Will ya quit thinkin' about yourself?
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Jack: So what about Brooklyn? Who wants Brooklyn? C'mon, Spot Conlon's territory. What'sa matta, you scared a Brooklyn?
[Aggresively] Hey, we ain't scared a Brooklyn!
[Quieter] Spot Conlon makes us a little noivous.
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World Employee: Hooligans!
Jack: So's your old lady! You tell Pulitzer he needs an appointment with
[Through the crack of the closing door] Yeah!
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Ten Pin: Hey Cowboy! You miss the joint?
Jack: Whatd'ya say, Ten Pin? Listen, you got a new guy in there, Crutchy.
Ten Pin: The gimp? I'll get him.
[Muttering to himself] He's not a gimp.