Not Another B Movie is a 2010 American satirical comedy film written and directed by John Wesley Norton which peers into the processes of making a low-budget horror film. The film stars Byron Thames, Larry Thomas, James Vallo, David Faustino, Joe Estevez, and Ed Asner.Synopsis
The film revolves around a business meeting at a restaurant between frustrated screenwriter Byron (Byron Thames), hack director Larry (Larry Thomas), and clueless producer James (James Vallo). Byron struggles in vain to stick to his original vision for a film, while Larry and James are intent on altering the script. Aside from their wishing to make money, they also want to create a film that will "make the audience walk a good way!" Their shocking movie is tentatively titled "The Umpire Strikes Back", due to the "created" narrative revolving around a baseball ump (Reggie Bannister), who goes on a killing spree which includes a rip-off of the iconic black-and-white shower scene from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, but with a bat replacing the infamous knife.