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Office Romance is a russe film of genre Drama directed by Eldar Riazanov released in USA on 11 november 1977 with Andrey Myagkov

Office Romance (1977)

Office Romance
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Released in USA 11 november 1977
Length 2h31
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Comedy,    Romantic comedy,    Melodrama,    Romance
Rating81% 4.0961054.0961054.0961054.0961054.096105

Office Romance (Russian: Служебный роман, translit. Sluzhebnyy roman) is a Soviet comedy film directed by Eldar Ryazanov. It was filmed at Mosfilm and released in 1977. The film's plot is based on the stageplay "Co-workers" (Russian: Сослуживцы, translit. Sosluzhivtsy) written by Eldar Ryazanov and Emil Braginsky, and tells the story of Ludmila Kalugina, a general manager of a statistical bureau, and her subordinate, economist Anatoly Novoseltsev, who come from mutual aversion to love.

Office Romance was the leader of Soviet film distribution in 1978 and still enjoys wide popularity in the former Soviet republics.

Both romantic drama and screwball comedy, the film is noted for its scenes of Moscow in the late 1970s, and for its comical depiction of the everyday life and customs of Soviet society during the Era of Stagnation.


The action takes place in Moscow in 1976. Anatoly Yefremovich Novoseltsev, a clumsy single father of two sons, works at a statistical bureau. His boss is a strict unmarried woman, Ludmila Prokofievna Kalugina, nicknamed "our frump" by her subordinates. She has some self-confidence problems, hidden behind her gloomy humorless demeanor and plain old-fashioned look. Novoseltsev’s colleagues consider him as a smart and experienced worker. He dreams about a promotion and a raise that would help him provide for his children, but he is too timid to talk to his boss about it. His former classmate and old friend, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, recently appointed assistant manager of the institution, suggests appointing Novoseltsev as a head of the light industry department, but Kalugina rejects it believing that Novoseltsev is not good enough for the position. Then, following Samokhvalov's advice, Novoseltsev unwillingly tries to flirt with "the Frump" at a party in Samokhvalov's apartment in order to "get into contact" with her. Feeling extremely uneasy he tries in vain to make conversation with her - talks about random things such as picking berries and mushrooms, reads poetry, shows off his singing and dancing abilities (in a very comical way), but Kalugina gets annoyed and severely criticizes all his attempts to impress her. Eventually Novoseltsev becomes frustrated, flares up and tells Kalugina right in her face that he considers her dry, inhuman and heartless.


Andrey Myagkov

(Анатолий Ефремович Новосельцев)
Alissa Freindlich

(Людмила Прокофьевна Калугина)
Oleg Basilashvili

(Юрий Григорьевич Самохвалов)
Svetlana Nemoliaïeva

(Olga Ryzhova, collègue de Novosseltsev, ex-petite amie de Samokhvalov)
Lyudmila Ivanova

Trailer of Office Romance

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Source : Wikidata


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