Old Dogs is a 2009 American ensemble comedy film directed by Wild Hogs 's Walt Becker and starring John Travolta and Robin Williams with an ensemble supporting cast played by Kelly Preston, Matt Dillon, Justin Long, Seth Green, Rita Wilson, Dax Shepard, and Bernie Mac. It was released in theaters on November 25, 2009 and was released on DVD March 9, 2010.
The movie is dedicated to both Bernie Mac (who died in August 2008 and had his final acting role in the film) and Jett Travolta (John Travolta's son who died in January 2009).
Old Dogs received poor reception from film critics. The Orlando Sentinel called the film "badly written and broadly acted." The Chicago Daily Herald said the film "should be put out of our misery." The San Jose Mercury News and The Boston Globe both described the film as a "turkey." Reviews in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and AV Club said the movie was not recommended for adults or children.
Despite the negative criticism, it was a box office success, beating its budget.
At the 30th Golden Raspberry Awards ceremony, Old Dogs was nominated in four categories: Worst Picture, Worst Actor for John Travolta, Worst Supporting Actress for Kelly Preston and Worst Director for Walt Becker, but "lost" in all categories.
Canadian rocker Bryan Adams wrote the theme song for the film, "You've Been a Friend to Me".Synopsis
Dan Rayburn (Robin Williams) and Charlie Reed (John Travolta) are best friends and co-owners of a successful sports marketing firm. Seven years prior, Dan, recently divorced, married Vicki (Kelly Preston) after being whisked away by Charlie for a tropical vacation. The wedding, however, is short lived. Seven years later, Vicki resurfaces to tell Dan that their short marriage resulted in something he never suspected: twins Zach (Conner Rayburn) and Emily (Ella Bleu Travolta).