Old Mother Riley's New Venture is a low-budget black-and-white 1949 British comedy film, starring Arthur Lucan and Kitty McShane. It is the twelfth in the long-running Old Mother Riley films, and was the first of the series to play in London's West End; and the first to be released in the U.S., where it opened in 1952, as Old Mother Riley, (and was re-released there as A Wild Irish Night).Synopsis
The owner of a five star London hotel leaves for a holiday, and to everyone's surprise promotes Old Mother Riley from kitchen dishwasher to manageress. Chaos ensues, and Mother Riley and Kitty are suddenly suspects in the theft of the Royal Hula Diamond, but somehow along the way, also manage a trip to a beauty parlour. a banquet with Arab royalty, some Saint Patrick's Day celebrations, and a climactic custard pie fight.