Oh Dae-su
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Please. Don't tell Mido. What has she done wrong? You know it was all my fault... I have committed an unforgivable sin, against your sister. And I also... Did you wrong. But, please leave Mido alone... If by any chance Mido finds out the truth, you son of a bitch, I'll tear you limb from limb. And your remains will never be found. Why? Because I'm going to swallow every last bit.
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Can fifteen years of imaginary training really be put to use? [Dae-su fights a gang of thugs] Apparently, it can.
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Can fifteen years of imaginary training really be put to use? [Dae-su tries to sexually assault Mi-do and gets clobbered] No. It can't.
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I will avenge for my fifteen years... for every tooth I pull out...you will age by one year. [Dae-Su to the man owing the complex where he was imprisoned]
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If you see a man whose face is hidden behind a violet umbrella...then...my advice is that you become good friends with Television.
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One month...I'm out in one month...One month, just one month...I'm out in one month! What if I am on the 50th floor? I don't care if I fall right down on the ground...I would still be out! [When licking his hands touched by the first raindrops he felt in 15 years after digging with a chopstick through the wall]
Woo-jin Lee
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You really are the very monster I created, aren't you? But you won't find out the "why" of this if you kill me. Fifteen years of being curious would go to waste.
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Your gravest mistake wasn't failing to find the answer. You can't find the right answer if you ask the wrong questions.