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Blofeld: Merry Christmas, 007.
Bond: I'm Sir Hillary Bray.
Blofeld: No no no, Mr. Bond. Respectable baronets from the College of Heralds do
not seduce female patients in clinics. On the other hand, they do get their professional details...
right. The De Bleauchamps tombs are
not in the Augsburg Cathedral as you said, but in the Ste. Anna Kirch. Sir Hillary Bray would have known! A small slip. It takes more than a few props to turn 007 into a Herald.
[snaps Bond's disguise spectacles in half]
[normal voice] It'll take more than cutting off your earlobes, Blofeld, to turn you into a Count.
Blofeld: I may yet surprise you. But I'm afraid you have no more surprises left for me. I know all about your mission, Mr. Bond.
[throws Bond's contact's climbing equipment to the ground] Your colleague! Such a keen climber, and a brilliant conversationalist... before he left us.
Bond: You realize that he reported where I am.
Blofeld: Oh, I doubt that. In any case, no one is coming to your rescue, Mr. Bond. In a few short hours, the United Nations will receive a Yultide greeting. The information that I now possess the scientific means to control... or to destroy, the economy of the whole world. People will have more important things to think about than you.
Bond: If they
believe your threat.
[chuckles, sits] Oh, they will. In any case, I have prepared a demonstration. Remember that... disagreeable outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in England, last summer?
[lights a cigarette] Well, I shall instruct them, in
very convincing terms, exactly how I arranged that. And my capacity has improved, since.
Bond: Allergy vaccines?
[pause] Bacteria. Bacteriological warfare.
Blofeld: With a difference. Our great breakthrough since last summer has been the confection of a certain "Virus Omega".
Bond: ...Infertility.
Total infertility, in plants and animals. Not just disease in a few herds, Mr Bond, or a single crop... but the destruction of a whole strain,
forever, throughout an entire continent. If my demands are not met, I shall proceed with the systematic extinction of whole species of cereals and livestock all over the world.
Bond: Including, I suppose, the human race?
[smirks] I don't think, do you, Mr. Bond, that the United Nations will let it come to that? Not after their scientists analyze a small sample of Virus Omega they have received.
Bond: Epidemics of sterility. Nothing is born, no seed even begins to sprout.
[pause] They'll find an antidote.
Blofeld: Of course! If I give them enough
time. [stands]
Bond: They'll have time. Once they're warned, you'll have a problem dispensing the stuff.
Blofeld: That problem has already been solved. I have been training my own special... "Angels of Death."
Bond: Those girls.
Blofeld: Those girls. And many others like them.
Bond: But, exactly how?
Blofeld: Mm.
[drags on his cigarette]... That will remain my secret.
[smirks] And how many hundred millions do you want for your services
this time, Blofeld?
Blofeld: "This time?"
[chuckles] This time, the price is of another kind. You'll be even
more amused when you know what. In the meanwhile, I will keep you here as my guest. You'll be very useful in helping to convince the authorities... that I
mean what I say. And I'll
do what I claim.