One Crazy Ride is a 2009 Indian documentary film based on a 2002 route-charting expedition in India. It is directed by Gaurav Jani and produced by Dirt Track Productions. The film follows five biking enthusiasts (Nicolitta Pereira, Vinod Panicker, Sanjeev Sharma, Gursaurabh Singh Toor and director Gaurav Jani) as they journey across the Himalayas via an untried route. It was commercially released in Indian cinemas in February 2009.
Lesser known parts of India are explored as a five fellow bike riders from the 60KPH club set out on an expedition across the less travelled Indian north eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh to chart a route that supposedly does not exist. The bikers chronicle their attempt to travel from Tawang in west Arunachal to Dong in the east without entering the state of Assam.
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It focuses on five individuals from around the world: Fred, a caregiver from Zambia who rides from village to village visiting AIDS patients; Carlos in Guatemala, who invented a pedal-powered device that offers a small-scale alternative to diesel-fueled machines; Sharkey, who avoids gang life by working in a Santa Barbara, California neighborhood bike shop; Bharati, a young girl in India who gets an education because she has a bicycle to ride to school; and Mirriam, a bike mechanic in Ghana stricken with Polio.