One Desire is a 1955 film directed by Jerry Hopper. It stars Anne Baxter and Rock Hudson. Described as a "rugged story of oil-boom Oklahoma in the early 1900s", it was adapted from Conrad Richter's best-selling 1942 novel Tacey Cromwell. Anne Baxter portrays the gambling house owner Tacey Cromwell, while Rock Hudson plays gambling dealer turned bank president Clint Saunders. Although the music is generally by Frank Skinner, the film features a Henry Mancini song sung by Gene Boyd and backed by the Glenn Miller Orchestra which was uncredited to Mancini.Synopsis
Clint Saunders tient la banque dans une luxueuse salle de jeux de la petite ville d'Oil Hill. Sa petite amie Tracy Cromwell est hôtesse au même endroit. Quand Clint perd son travail, ils se séparent. Ce dernier trouve un poste à Randsberg dans le Colorado, dans un important établissement financier. Tracy rejoint son ami alors que ce dernier se fait charmer par l'envoûtante Judy, imparable séductrice .....