One Night in Istanbul, also known as One Night in Istanbul: The Movie, is a British comedy-drama film, directed by James Marquand and produced/written by Nicky Allt. The film stars Steven Waddington, Paul Barber, Lucien Laviscount, Samantha Womack, and Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson. It is based on the play of the same name by Nicky Allt.
The film's trailer was revealed on 8 August 2014 and was released on 11 September 2014, exclusively at Odeon Cinemas in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The film was released worldwide on 15 September.Synopsis
Two down on their luck Liverpool cabbies, Tommy and Gerry, strike an unusual deal with a local gangster to take their sons on a trip of a lifetime, to watch their beloved football team play in the European Cup Final in Istanbul. Hoping to use the trip as a chance to bond with their sons, big trouble awaits them in the form of a sexy hotel chambermaid, two ruthless crooks on a mission and a bag of counterfeit cash”.