Geezer is an upcoming American comedy-drama film written and directed by Lee Kirk. The film stars Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong in his first leading role, as well as Judy Greer, Selma Blair, Dallas Roberts, Chris Messina, Fred Armisen, Brian Baumgartner, Kevin Corrigan. Filming began late 2014 in New York City.Synopsis
The story follows former punk rocker Perry (Billie Joe Armstrong) who is ten years into his band's "indefinite hiatus" and is struggling with his adjustment to the real world (which includes working in his family's hardware store). When Perry's hotshot attorney wife (Selma Blair) and precocious young daughter forget his 40th birthday, his brother (Chris Messina) takes pity and gives him the money to throw a huge rockstar blowout in a fancy New York hotel. At the party, Perry's punk past clashes hilariously with his middle-aged reality as he encounters crazy former bandmates and an old-flame-turned-manager (Judy Greer), who offers him a chance to revive his stalled career.