Col. Sam Daniels
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[appeals to the Cleansweep bomber to call off the strike] You hear me, don't you, guys? I'll say it one last time. These people that you're going to bomb are not the enemy. We can kill the virus without killing these people. I swear on my soul that the President does not have the facts. He doesn't know we have a working serum. If you think I'm lying, drop the bomb. If you think I'm crazy, drop the bomb, but don't drop the bomb because you're following orders! Your superiors have another agenda. Don't you understand that right below you in Cedar Creek, there's a biological weapon they've been manufacturing for 30 years? I guarantee you that the disease has spread beyond the perimeters of this town! If you incinerate Cedar Creek, you incinerate the serum!!!
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Casey Schuler: I hate this bug.
Sam Daniels: Come on, Casey. You have to love its simplicity. It's one-billionth our size and it's beating us.
Casey: So, what do you wanna do — take it to dinner?
Sam: No.
Casey: What, then?
Sam: Kill it.
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[Sam tries unsuccessfully to get Robby to issue a CDC alert.]
Sam Daniels: Once in your life, take a chance!
Robby Keough: You know what, Sam? I
did. I married you.
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[Airport dispatch Sergeant Wolf tries to call General Ford to confirm Daniels' change to Cedar Creek.]
Sam Daniels: You call the tower right now, and you tell 'em to
change my flight plans. Put your finger on the phone! Put your
finger on the
Sgt. Wolf: This could mean my
stripes, sir.
Sam: It'll mean your ass if you don't put your finger on the phone. Finger the phone. Finger it.
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[Daniels and Salt barge through a crowded line at a Federal export clearance office.]
Sam Daniels: Colonel Daniels, from USAMRIID. I'm sorry.
George: Yes, and I'm George from Sioux City, Iowa. Back of the line, Colonel.
Sam: We got a terrible epidemic. We're from Cedar Creek, George.
[to the crowd] We're from Cedar Creek, California!
[people stand back]
[looks worried] George, you heard about this virus — need we say more? Okay, we need all the bills of lading from ships arriving from Africa
[clasps George's hands] in the last three months. George!
[nervously] Uh-huh… huh?
Sam: Shall I cough on you, George?
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[Colonel Briggs hands General McClintock an address.]
Col. Briggs: They're headed
right there, and I got two teams on standby.
Gen. Donald McClintock: Good, Briggs — a potential screw-up you managed to avoid among many others you have
not. Who do you think should handle this now?
Briggs: You, sir?
McClintock: You kiss ass with the best of them, Briggs. You hope to make general one day?
Briggs: Yes, sir.
McClintock: Well, you won't.
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Gen. Donald McClintock: With all due respect, Col. Daniels, if you do not follow us to Travis Air Force Base, I will blow you out of the sky!
Sam Daniels: General, with all due respect, fuck you, sir.
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[The USAF plane tasked to bomb Cedar Creek has sent the bomb over the water. General McClintock wants to have the plane rearmed]
Brig. Gen. Billy Ford: Sandman, this is General Ford. You will ignore that order. For the record, I'm relieving General McClintock of command, for the crime of withholding vital information from the President of the United States.
Maj-Gen. Donald McClintock: I have never in any way, withheld vital information from the President of the United States.
Ford: Colonel Briggs.
Colonel Briggs: Sir.
Ford: Place General McClintock under arrest.
McClintock: If I go down for this, Billy, you go down for it.
Ford: It's out of our hands now.
McClintock: You silly sentimental son of a bitch...Nobody puts me under arrest. Nobody.
[blocked by a pistol-packing Col. Briggs as he tries to leave the command post] Colonel Briggs. What a wonderful moment this must be for you.
[Briggs smiles as he leads him away under armed guard.]
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[Sam and Robby talk as she's recovering from the disease.]
Robby Keough: It's a pretty unique experience.
Sam Daniels: Sorta like living with me.
Robby: Mm-hmm.
Sam: Would you go through it again?
Robby: Maybe. Now that I have the antibodies.