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[to Addie Loggins] Look, I don't want to wipe you out, and I don't want you wiping me out, you know? So I'm going to level with you, okay? Now, you see, with me, it's just a matter of time. I don't know why, but somehow I just don't manage to hold on real long. So, if you wait it out a little, it'll be over, you know? I mean, even if I want a fella, somehow or other I manage to get it screwed up. Maybe I'll get a new pair of shoes, nice dress, a few laughs. Times are hard. Now, if you fool around on the hill up here, then you don't get nothing. I don't get nothing, he don't get nothing. So how 'bout it, honey? Just for a little while, let old Trixie sit up front with her big tits.
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Moze: Come on, we're ready. Come on, now.
Addie: I ain't ready.
Moze: Well, you don't look real busy with nothing, so you just come on down.
Addie: I ain't coming.
Moze: Now you listen here, child.
Addie: No, I won't listen here.
Moze: What the heck's up with you, then?
Addie: I wanna sit in front. And how come we ain't working no more?
Moze: 'Cause we're on vacation, that's why. And Miss Delight and me are sitting in front because we are two grown-ups, and that's where grown-ups do the sitting. And little children do not tell grown-ups what to do with their lives, you understand that?
Addie: Well, she ain't my grown-up, and I ain't planning no more to sit in the back. Not for no cow.
Moze: Will you keep your voice down. And Miss Delight ain't no cow. She's a proper woman. She has a high school diploma, and right now she's got to go to the bathroom, so you just get on down to the car.
Addie: She always has to go to the bathroom. She must have a bladder the size of a peanut. Well I ain't getting back in the car. Not 'til she gets out of it.