Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones is a 2014 American found footage supernatural horror film written and directed by Christopher B. Landon. Released on January 3, 2014 in the United States, it is the first spin-off/sequel of the Paranormal Activity film series and the fifth and penultimate installment of the franchise. It is also Landon's second directorial film, after Burning Palms.Synopsis
In June 2012, high school graduate Jesse Arista lives with his father, sister and grandmother in Oxnard, California. He begins to enjoy the summer with his best friend, Hector. In the apartment below lives a mysterious woman named Ana, who everyone believes to be a witch. When Ana is found murdered, Jesse and Hector spot classmate Oscar running from the scene, suggesting he was responsible. The two investigate the apartment, where they find black magic items, as well as VHS tapes and a journal of spells that can "open doorways to 'unholy lands.'"