Pictures of Hollis Woods is a television film that debuted on CBS as a Hallmark Hall of Fame film on December 2, 2007. The film is directed by Tony Bill and is based on the Newbery Honor winning novel of the same name by Patricia Reilly Giff. It stars child actress Jodelle Ferland as the title character along with Sissy Spacek.Synopsis
After Hollis Woods (Ferland), a young girl with a talent for art, ran away from her last foster parents, she is placed in a new foster home with a retired art teacher, Josie Cahill (Spacek). Josie is very caring and a talented artist, and her life could be told in her wood work, but as she's an elderly woman, she's beginning to lose her memory (Alzheimer's disease). Over time, Hollis becomes Josie's caretaker, and she begins to feel what it is like to be needed. Life with Josie reminds Hollis of life with the Regans, the family she stayed with during the summer whom she loved, and she relives her memories through the drawings she has made throughout her life.