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Well, that's very nice. I'm glad. Well here's... here's the point, Andie. I'm not particularly concerned with whether or not you like me, because I live to like you and... and I can't like you anymore. So... so when you're feeling real low and... and dirty, don't look to me to pump you back up 'cause... 'cause... 'cause maybe for the first time in your life I won't be there!
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We don't have none of this stuff in the boy's room! Wait a minute! We don't got none of this... we don't got doors on the stalls in the boy's room, we don't have, what is this? What's this? We don't have a candy machine in the boy's room!
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You buy everything, Stef. You couldn't buy her, though, that's what's killing you, isn't it? That's it, Stef. She thinks you're shit. And deep down, you know she's right.
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You said you couldn't be with someone who didn't believe in you. I believed in you, I always believed in you. I just didn't believe in me. I love you... always.
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[On the phone with boyfriend] "Bondage has no place in my life. Since when? Since I spent the night tied up in the backseat of your car!"
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Andie: How can you tell?
Iona: Did you feel it in your knees?
Andie: I felt it everywhere.
Iona: Strong lips.
[laughs] I know I'm old enough to be his mother, but when the Duck laid that kiss on me last night, I swear my thighs just went up in flames! He must practice on melons or something.
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Steff: I've been out with a lot of girls at this school. I don't see what makes you so different.
Andie: I have some taste.
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Blane: How are you doing?
Andie: Why haven't you called me?
Blane: Oh, I got nailed for the stable thing. I guess the groom saw us. It's against the rules.
Andie: I called you three times and I left messages.
Blane: Yeah? Well I didn't get them. My family... they're irresponsible about that stuff, you know?
Andie: I waited for you this morning.
Blane: Yeah? Where?
Andie: Parking lot. I saw you and I thought you saw me.
Blane: No.
Andie: What about prom, Blane?
Blane: Andie, I'm having a bad day. Can we talk later?
Andie: No. What about prom?
Blane: Why don't we meet after school?
Andie: No! What about prom?
Blane: Andie, come on.
Andie: Just say it.
Blane: What?
Andie: Just say it. I wanna hear you say it.
Blane: Andie, please, all right?
Andie: I wanna hear you say it.
Blane: A month ago, I asked somebody else and I forgot.
[Andie pushes him against a locker]
Andie: You're a liar! You're a filthy, fucking, no-good liar. You don't have the guts to tell me the truth. Just say it!
Blane: I'm not lying.
Andie: Tell me!
Blane: What do you want to hear?
Andie: Tell me!
Blane: What?
Andie: You're ashamed to be seen with me.
Blane: No, I am not!
Andie: You're ashamed to go out with me. You're terrified that you're goddamn rich friends won't approve.
[hits Blane] Just say it!
[hits him again] Just tell me the truth!
Blane: You don't understand Andie, it has nothing at all to do with you.
[Andie runs away]
[wipes a tear] Andie!
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Duckie: So what, you're going to go out with this guy? Is this like a date or something?
Andie: Yeah. You’ll like him. He’s not like the other guys, seriously.
Duckie: No…no! You-you really pissed me off Andie, cause you know they shit on everybody including you!
Andie: Who's shitting on me? I'm not gonna let anybody shit on me!
Duckie: He’s just gonna use your ass and throw you away! God I would’ve died for you.
Andie: So what am I supposed to do, he asked me out and I like him! If I hate him because he's got money, just listen to me. If I hate him because he's got money then that’s the exact same thing as them hating us because we don’t. Do you understand?
Duckie: You can’t do this and respect yourself. You-you can't.
Andie: We’ll I’ll make that decision alright.
Duckie: Sure, you can do what you want!
Andie: You know you're talking like that just because I'm going out with Blaine.
Duckie: Blaine? His name is Blaine? Oh! That's a major appliance, that's not a name!
Andie: Just because I'm going out with
"Blaine" it doesn't mean I still can't be friends with you! I mean it doesn't change the way I feel about you.
Duckie: That's-that's really nice, I'm-I'm glad. Here's the thing Andie. I'm not particularly concerned with whether or not you like me, because I live to like you and-and I can't like you anymore. So-so when you've had your heart splattered all over hell and you're feeling really low and dirty don't look to me to pump you back up, cause-cause maybe for the first time in your life, I won't be there!
Andie: I can't believe your actually saying this.
Duckie: Well I guess that's just tough shit!
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Andie: What are you doing?
Duckie: I had to use the powder room, so I figured I'd come in the back.
Andie: I'm sure there are bathrooms all over the place!
Duckie: I'm not nine, Andie, I know that.
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The laughter. The lovers. The friends. The fights. The talk. The hurt. The jealousy. The passion. The pressure. The real world.