Rosalinda Maria Montoya Fiore/Rosie Gonzalez
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You think that being a princess is superficial. That it is about what you wear and how you look. Well it is a little bit about what you look. But more importantly, it is what you have to offer to the world and who you are inside.
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Thank you. Since I've been here I've learned many wonderful things..... but most importantly I learned about friendship and loyalty and trust. And those are things that are not just given but things we must earn. So I want to thank Carter Mason for teaching me these things. And for being my friend.
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Carter, you have to stay out of this. I have a duty to my people and that is something you can never understand. I loved living in Louisiana and I wish my life could be like this everyday. But this is not reality. You think my life as a princess is some fairytale? This here is a fairytale and I cannot hide here anymore. Soon I'll be queen of Costa Luna. My country needs me.
Carter Mason
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Girls like Chelsea and Brooke, all they care about is shoes. Like wearing the right clothes make them superior. I just want to do something more important with my life, like my dad.
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No no no no no! I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean that "I hate you. I hate you." I meant that "I hate you like you're my best friend".
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You're right. They do need you. They need you to lead them and to protect them. And that's something you can't do from jail which is exactly where you're going if you go back to Costa Luna.
General Kane
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I object. The princesa is too young to be queen. Costa Luna and Costa Estrella are two tiny countries that must unite and stand together against the world. So for the good of both countries I, General Magnus Kane, declare myself...
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Rosalinda: (walks down)
Man: Her royal Highness, Rosalinda Maria Montoya Fiorre, princessa de Costa Luna. And you're walking and walking as your adoring subjects welcome you.
Rosalinda: Demetri, my coronation's one month away. Why do we have to practice now?
Demetri: Ah, the rehearsal is so that everything will be perfect. (leaves)
Mr. Elegante: Princessa, what a beautiful coronation dress you are wearing. Who may I ask designed it?
Rosalinda: You did, Mr. Elegante.
Mr. Elegante: So I did. I am brilliant, no?
Rosalinda: Yes!
Woman: (talking to Major Mason) Thank you for helping Rosalinda. Now that my husband has passed away only she can become queen of Costa Luna. But it is so much for someone so young and I'm afraid that General Kane might take advantage of that.
Major Mason: I'll be here, Sophia. I'll protect her like she's one of my own.
Sophia: I know you will Major Mason. I know you will.
(Music starts playing.)
Major Mason: Sounds like your music.
Sophia: (leaves)
Rosalinda: Vamos, mama.
(goes to the throne with her mother and the archbishop)
Archbishop: Turn to face your subjects, Rosalinda. Honored guests, family and friends. I present to you, Princesa Rosalinda Maria Montoya Fiorre, heir to the throne of Costa Luna.
[takes off her tiara]
Major Mason:
[watching vigilantly]
Archbishop: She is willing to be your queen.
[slowly placing the crown on Rosalinda's head] If any person has a reason to object, let him step forward and be heard.
[Someone pulls out his sword and throws the sword to the crown. The sword lands on the chair with the crown hanging from it. Everyone gasps in shock.]
General Kane: I object. The princesa is too young to be queen.
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Rosie: Hello.
Carter: Hey.
[stops walking and turns back to Rosie] Who are you?
Rosie: Rosa- uh Rosie.
Carter: Are you sure 'cause you don't seem sure.
Rosie: Rosie. I am sure.
Carter: Okay so why are you here?
Rosie: Major Mason gave me this room.
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Carter: Would you excuse me for just a sec?
[turns to leave]
Rosie: Yes, you are excused.
[stops walking for a few seconds then leaves]
[turns her head to the side then looks out the window and sees Carter walking to Major Mason]
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Rosie: Carter! Carter!
Carter: Leave me alone!
Rosie: I order you to stop.
(stops and turns to Rosie) You order me? You order me? I order you to take a long walk off a short pier.
Rosie: You cannot order me to do anything.
Carter: Watch me. You're in my kingdom.
Major Mason: Hey! Hey! Whoa! Whoa! What's going on here?
Carter: Dad, she can't do it. She can't act normal.
(scoffs) I am normal.
Carter: Oh really? Okay, so a normal person that has never seen a hamburger before can order one in six languages?
Major Mason:
(impressed) Really? You can do that?
Rosie: I always speak to my staff in a native tongue.
Carter: They're not your staff! They're lunch ladies! Dad, can't you see this isn't going to work?!
Major Mason: Carter, it's going to work. We just got to give it some time.
Carter: Ugh!
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[puts down her wreath] It must be nice to play peasant for a day.
[frowns then turns to Major Mason] Would you excuse me?
[leaves the table]
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(After Rosie falls from trying to do her job.)
Carter: Rosie, we have to do something.
Rosie: (shakes her head) I will turn the other cheek because that is what princesses do. (picks up her hat and leaves)
Carter: (grabs a ice cream cone and follows Rosie and Ed)
Rosie: (walks to Chelsea while people are staring at her) Your father, the king of yogurts, would be very disappointed in you. (gives Chelsea the hat and walks away)
Carter: (dumps the ice cream cone on Bull and everyone gasps) Yeah well, I'm not a princess. (walks away)
Ed: (films Bull and leaves)
Bull: (runs away while everyone laughs at him)
Chelsea: (to Brooke) She can't be a princess.
Brooke: Don't freak but she kinda can.
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Carter: (walking with Rosie holding a soda) It's a skill that most Americans learn in, like, the third grade but it's never to late to learn.
Rosie: I am ready to try.
Carter: Good luck.
Rosie: (drinks her soda then burps in a few seconds)
Carter: Nice! Okay next we'll learn slouching, eye rolling and talking back to my dad.
Rosie: If Mr. Elegante can see me right now he would be so mad at me.
Carter: Who's Mr. Elegante?
Rosie: My royal dress designer.
Carter: You're kidding right?
Rosie: No. He is a close family friend. If there were an emergency, he would be the first I would call.
Carter: It must be nice to be a queen.
(sits down with Carter) Actually, it's not all about the dresses and crowns, Carter. My mother told me my father never called himself a king. To our people, he was father, brother and friend. (looks down) I hope to be like him when I'm queen of Costa Luna.
Carter: Father, brother?
(laughs) No! I want to make a difference.
Carter: To do something more important with your life?
Rosie: Yes.
Carter: You know, you're different than I thought most princesses would be.
Rosie: I hope that is a good thing.
Carter: Yeah, it is.
Rosie: Thank you for helping me today. A princess never knows who her true friend is. Today I am sure.
Carter: Me too.
[Carter and Rosie both drink their sodas. In a few seconds they burp and then laugh.]
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(takes off the tiara) This is not good okay? Me being a princess is not normal.
Donny: Hey there. Rosie can I talk to you for a second?
Rosie: Me?
Carter: Her?
Donny: See there's this homecoming dance here and everything and would you like to go to the dance with me, Rosie?
Rosie: Me?
Carter: Her?
Donny: Yeah, I want you to be my date for the dance.
Carter: (runs off)
Rosie: Donny, that is very kind of you but no. Will you excuse me? (runs after Carter)
Donny: Um sure. (leaves)
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In Carter's room:
Carter: That was the most humiliating thing that's ever happened to me and I've been humiliated a lot. :
[sighs] What was I thinking? A guy like Donny will never go out with me.
Rosie: Then he is not worthy of you. (sits down)
Carter: Yeah you can say that 'cause you're all high and royal. I'm just a girl that sells bait.
Rosie: No, you're so much more. You are a princess now.
Carter: (scoffs) Trust me, I'm not a princess.
Rosie: Yes you are. You just do not feel like one yet. When came to this place you taught me how to act normal not royal. Now it is my turn to teach you. You think that being a princess is superficial.
Carter: Yeah, I guess.
Rosie: That it is about what you wear and how you look.
(looks at Rosie)
Rosie: Well it is a little bit about what your wear but more importantly, it is about what you have to offer to the world and who you are inside. Come on Carter, let's go find your inner princess.
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Carter: (balancing a book on her head) You're so good to everybody. Kids, old people. You're probably even good with dogs.
Rosie: (balancing a book on her head also) That is true.
Carter: You're so much more generous than I thought you would be.
Rosie: It is a princess's job to help people.
Carter: I guess I never really thought about what it- (drops the book on her head and catches it and balances it again) (Rosie laughs) really means to be a princess. Like this. I can't believe you actually had to do this.
Rosie: Oh no you don't. (puts her book down)
Carter: (frowns and takes the book off) Wait, then why am I doing it?
Rosie: (laughs) Because it is funny.
Carter: What?! (jokingly) I hate you!
Rosie: (frowns) You do?
Carter: No no no no no! I didn't mean it that way. I didn't mean that "I hate you. I hate you." I meant that "I hate you like you're my best friend".
Rosie: Oh! Well then I hate you too. And that dress is ugly.
Carter: It is? (looks at her dress)
Rosie: No! It is beautiful and so are you. Look.
Carter: (smiles)
Rosie: Look.
(Carter and Rosie walk to a mirror.)
Rosie: You're becoming a princess on the inside and now you look like one too. (crowns Carter with the princess tiara)
(Both girls smile and laugh.)
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Rosie: Carter, you have to stay out of this. I have a duty to my people and that is something you can never understand. I loved living in Louisiana and I wish my life could be like this everyday. But this is not reality. You think my life as a princess is some fairytale? This here is a fairytale and I cannot hide here anymore. Soon I'll be queen of Costa Luna. My country needs me.
Carter: You're right. They do need you. They need you to lead them and to protect them. And that's something you can't do from jail which is exactly where you're going if you go back to Costa Luna.
Rosie: (sighs then leaves)
Carter: No way am I letting this happen. (leaves)
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Carter: (walks to the pier where Rosie is) You okay?
Rosie: I'm going to miss this place. I'm going to miss you Carter.
Carter: I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to miss you too.
Rosie: (smiles)
Carter: Rosie, can you do me a favor before you go?
Rosie: Anything.
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General Kane: Ah, Caribbean Blue. Beautiful indeed. (whispers in Carter's ear) Go with me now princesa, and no harm will come to your friends.
Carter: (leaves with General Kane)
Principal: (speaks in the microphone) May I have your attention please? I hold here in my hand the name of our 2008 Lake Munroe Queen. And the winner is.....Rosie Gonzalez.
(Everyone cheers and claps.)
Chelsea: (frowns and becomes mad)
Principal: Rosie, you out there?
Rosie: (takes off her mask, gives it to someone and goes to the stage)
Carter: (following General Kane during this time)
Principal: (crowns the queen tiara on Rosie)
Rosie: Thank you. Since I've been here I've learned many wonderful things. But most importantly, I learned about friendship, and loyalty and trust. And those aren't things that are just given but things we must earn. So I want to thank Carter Mason for teaching me these things and for being my friend. Carter, where are you?
(Everyone murmurs and looks around.)
Rosie: (frowns and walks off the stage)
Margaret: That was so beautiful Rosie!
Rosie: Thank you but I need to find Carter. (leaves the school and walking outside)
Chelsea: (stops Rosie) Hold it right there, princess! My crown, hand it over.
Rosie: Chelsea, please.
Chelsea: You're not going anywhere until I get my crown.
Rosie: (takes off the crown and holds it near a pool)
Chelsea: (reaches for it but accidentally falls) NOOO!
Rosie: Sorry! (puts the crown back on and runs)
(General Kane, Carter and the guards are walking to the helicopter.)
Rosie: General Kane!
General Kane: (turns around and sees the real Rosie and shocked)
Carter: (takes off her mask)
Rosie: (walks over to General Kane and Carter)
General Kane: Well it looks like everyone wants to be a princess. Unfortunately it is time for the masquerade to end.
Cater: What are you doing? The plan was working perfectly.
Rosie: (to Carter) This was a very brave plan. But it is my fight not yours.
Carter: You don't have to go with him.
General Kane: (raises his hand) Enough! As the princesa so adequately pointed out, this is not your fight. (shows Rosie to the helicopter)
Rosie: (looks down then at Carter then walks to the helicopter with General Kane following)
Carter: (watches them and stands there helplessly)
(The helicopter's door opens the door and shows the Director and Major Mason inside with other PPP officers)
Director: General Kane.
General Kane: (shocked)
Major Mason: Good to see you again.
(Carter and Rosie smiling.)
Major Mason: What is the meaning of this?! You are interfering with sovereign land of Costa Luna!
Major Mason: Maybe this will fly in your country, but here it's called kidnapping.
Director: We are turning you over to the international authorities.
General Kane: (runs away)
Director: Get him.
Major Mason: No, allow me. I'm going to enjoy this. (chases General Kane)
(The other PPP officers arrest General Kane's guards. Rosie and Carter run to each other and hug.)
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Carter: (hugging Rosie)
Rosie: (hugging Carter and crying) I can't believe you would do this for me.
Carter: (lets go) That's what princesses do. They do for each other.
Rosie: You are truly a princess now, Carter Mason. You rightfully deserve this. (takes off her tiara and puts it on Carter)
Chelsea: HOLD IT!!!! (walks to Carter and Rosie and still soaking wet from the pool) NOBODY MOVE! Nobody goes anywhere. (goes up to Carter) I'll take that. (takes the tiara off of Carter, puts it on and leaves)
Rosie: (walks to Chelsea but Carter stops her)
Carter: Let her go. She needs it way more than I do.
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Archbishop: I give you Queen Rosalinda Marie Montoya Fioré of Costa Luna!
(Carter, Ed, Major Mason, Mr. Elegante, and Sofia and audience applaud for Rosie.)
Rosie: (smiles)
Ed: (shouts) Long live Queen Rosie!
Carter: Long live Queen Rosie!
Sofia: ¡Que viva la Reina Rosalinda!
Audience: ¡Que viva la Reina Rosalinda!
Rosie: (walks down smiling at Carter)
Carter: (smiling)
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Major Mason: What were you thinking Carter?
Carter: I was thinking I'd be perfect bait. Get it? I'm bait girl.
Major Mason: Why didn't you just come to me?
Carter: 'Cause you would've never let me do it.
Major Mason: You're really lucky I was here.
Carter: I knew you would be. You're always there for me. You rescue princesses. That's what you do.
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(after Donny takes her hand and tries to dance with her) No.
(takes her hand away)
Donny:Carter, what's the problem? I thought we had,you know something.
Carter:Actually, we don't.
Donny: Okay, what's up, isn't this what you've waiting for since like third grade?
Carter: Before I put on this dress, you couldn't even remember my name. I might be a princess tonight, but I'll always be bait girl and I'm proud of that.