Ratter is a 2015 American drama, thriller and horror film written and directed by Branden Kramer. The film is based on a short film also written and directed by Kramer titled Webcam. The film stars Ashley Benson, Matt McGorry, and Rebecca Naomi Jones.
The film had its world premiere at the 2015 Slamdance Film Festival on January 24, 2015. The film went on to premiere at the Capital City Film Festival on April 11, 2015. The film also premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival on June 14, 2015.Synopsis
Emma, a New York City graduate student being watched by a cyber-stalker who has hacked into all of her personal technology—laptop, cell phone and other web connected devices—to record her all of the time. Eventually, the video feeds aren't enough and the stalker moves from the online to real life.