Ready to Rumble is a 2000 American comedy film directed by Brian Robbins and written by Steven Brill, which is based on Turner Broadcasting's now defunct professional wrestling promotion, World Championship Wrestling (WCW). The movie draws its title from ring announcer Michael Buffer's catchphrase, "Let's get ready to rumble!" The movie features many wrestlers from WCW. Some countries such as Finland, Australia and Japan were only able to see direct-to-video premiere releases of this film.Synopsis
For most of their lives, Sewage workers Gordie Boggs (David Arquette) and Sean Dawkins (Scott Caan) have been avid wrestling fans. When WCW Monday Nitro comes to their home state of Wyoming, they attend the show to watch their favorite wrestler, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy King (Oliver Platt) get cheated out of the title by Diamond Dallas Page (playing himself), and WCW CEO Titus Sinclair (Joe Pantoliano), and DDP's partners. After the match, the two wrestling fans humorously express their rage in their septic truck, resulting in a car crash.