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[The school inspectors inspect the guidance counselor at work from her office's window]
Ms. Simpson: What's your name again?
Sally Chao: Sally Chao.
Ms. Simpson: Are you sure you're one of my students?
Sally Chao: Of course, Ms. Simpson. You've been my couselor ever since I was a freshman.
Ms. Simpson: Well, I can't be expected to remember everybody! After all, all you black kids look the same, you know...
Sally Chao: I'm not black! I'm Chinese.
Ms. Simpson: Ok, Sally. So...how long you've been pregnant?
Sally Chao: Pregnant...?
Ms. Simpson: That's right.
Sally Chao: Ms. Simpson, I'm not pregnant. I came here to find out about a scholarship.
Ms. Simpson: Don't be silly, Sally. They don't give scholarships for getting pregnant.
Sally Chao: Ms. Simpson...
Ms. Simpson: Did you already have that baby?
Sally Chao: Ms. Simpson, you're not listening. I told you I'm not pregnant! I never have been! I only want to find out about a scholarship for college next year.
Ms. Simpson: Oh, you want a scholarship, ok. But it's going to be hard going to college with a young baby to look after.
Sally Chao: Ms. Simpson!
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[The guidance counselor mistakes the inspector Edwin Swimper for someone else and immediately runs over to him]
Ms. Simpson: Edward!
Edwin Swimper: See, I told you this place is a madhouse!
Ms. Simpson: You came back. I never thought you'd come back. You never called, you never wrote. You never came back for your sauce...
[Ms. Simpson starts cuddling and kissing Edwin Swimper]
Inspector Beane:
[suspiciously] You know this person?
Norman Relic:
[tricks Edwin Swimper by whispering to Beane] Intimately.
Edwin Swimper: I've never seen her before in my life. Get off me, you're ruining my flower!
Ms. Simpson: Is that all you can say after all those nights, when I waited for your calls? Get in the bathtub with me, we'll play yogurt...
Edwin Swimper: Bathtub?! Yogurt?! Ma'am, you must be thinking of someone else!
Ms. Simpson:
[still cuddling Edwin Swimper, she moves her hands around his lower regions] Oh, there's never been anybody else!
Edwin Swimper: Ah, I'm getting up with my sanity still intact! I have an erection...an inspection to do! I can't stay here! I'm busy! I'm busy!
[Ms. Simpson pulls Edwin Swimper to the floor with her. Cut to the next scene, he runs away from school as she chases him on the street screaming for him]Running theme song