Coach Boone
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We will be perfect every day in every aspect of the game. You drop a pass, you run a mile. You miss a blocking assignment, you run a mile. You fumble the football and I will break my foot off in your John Brown hind parts...and then you will run a mile. Perfection! Let's get to work.
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[Coach Boone is motivating his team as they do intense physical exercise]
Coach Boone: What are you?
Team: Mobile, agile, hostile!
Coach Boone: What is pain?
Team: French bread!
Coach Boone: What is fatigue?
Team: Army clothes!
Coach Boone:
[Puts his hand to his ear] Will-you-ever-quit?
[shouts] NO! We want some mo'! We want some mo'! We want some mo'!
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[Coaches Boone and Yoast argue about the harassment by racist residents]
Coach Yoast: This is about setting a good example for our boys and the community.
Coach Boone: I don't scratch my head 'til it itches, and I don't dance until I hear some music, I will not be intimidated. That's just the way it is.
Coach Yoast: You want to carry your sinful pride to your grave, that's your business, but when your sins endanger on my little girl, it becomes mine.
Coach Boone:
My sins? You think my sins had something to do with what happened last night? I'm sorry about what happened to your daughter, I really am, but maybe you've got a small taste of what
my girl has gone through.
[Yoast is silent] Welcome to my life, Yoast.
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[Yoast realizes the Hall of Fame board have fixed the game against the Titans]
Coach Yoast:
[to referee] I know all about it, Titus.
Referee: What are you talking about, Bill?
Coach Yoast: You call this game fair, or I'm going to the papers. I don't care if I go down with you. But before God, I swear I'll see every last one of you thrown in jail.
Referee: You dig your own grave.
Coach Yoast:
[Smiles] All right. DEFENSE, ON ME!
[huddles players; to Petey] Petey, don't you go on the strong side.
Petey Jones: Coach they're calling a holding penalty on me every time-
Coach Yoast: Did I ask for your excuses? You wanna act like a star, you'd better give me a star effort, do you hear me?
[Petey leaves] Forget about him. Allan, you're in, come on. All right now, I don't want them to gain another yard. YOU BLITZ ALL NIGHT!! If they cross the line of scrimmage, I'm gonna take every last one of you out! You make sure they remember, FOREVER, the night they played the Titans!
[players cheer and get back to the field] LEAVE NO DOUBT!
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[Coach Yoast counsels an injured Gerry Bertier]
Coach Yoast: Well, Gerry I think this is a time for reflection, for prayer...
Bertier: Coach, I'm hurt. I ain't dead.
Coach Yoast:
[smiles] No, no you're not.
Bertier: You know, I've been reading on activities for people in wheelchairs and such...
[Smiles] They've got Olympics.