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Rita the Mosquito is a film of genre Comedy directed by Lina Wertmüller with Giancarlo Giannini

Rita the Mosquito (1966)

Rita the Mosquito
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Genres Comedy,    Musical
Rating57% 2.8611752.8611752.8611752.8611752.861175

Rita the Mosquito (Italian: Rita la zanzara) is a 1966 Italian musicarello film directed by Lina Wertmüller (under the stage name George H. Brown). It has a sequel, Don't Sting the Mosquito.


Au pensionnat, la pétillante Rita tombe amoureuse de son professeur de musique et redouble d'ingéniosité pour attirer son attention.


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Suggestions of similar film to Rita the Mosquito

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The Seduction of Mimi, 2h1
Directed by Lina Wertmüller
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato, Turi Ferro, Agostina Belli, Luigi Diberti, Tuccio Musumeci
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Blood Feud
Blood Feud (1978)
, 2h4
Directed by Lina Wertmüller
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Giancarlo Giannini, Turi Ferro, Isa Danieli, Tomas Arana
Rating63% 3.197323.197323.197323.197323.19732
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Love and Anarchy, 2h
Directed by Lina Wertmüller
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
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Swept Away
Swept Away (1974)
, 1h56
Directed by Lina Wertmüller
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Films about sexuality, Transport films, BDSM in films
Actors Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato, Isa Danieli, Aldo Puglisi, Eros Pagni
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Seven Beauties, 1h55
Directed by Lina Wertmüller
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about religion, Films about psychiatry, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism, Films set in psychiatric hospitals
Actors Giancarlo Giannini, Fernando Rey, Shirley Stoler, Roberto Herlitzka, Aldo Valletti, Massimo Vanni
Rating76% 3.8458553.8458553.8458553.8458553.845855
The picaresque story follows its protagonist, Pasqualino (Giannini) who, as a dandy and small-time hood in Naples, to save the family honour, is sent to prison for killing a pimp (and then dissecting the victim and placing the body in suitcases) who had turned Pasqualino's sister into a prostitute. Convicted and sent to prison, Pasqualino succeeds in being transferred to a psychiatric ward. Desperate to get out, he volunteers for the Italian Army, but then somewhere in Germany he deserts with a comrade. They are captured and sent to a concentration camp. There, in a bid to save his own life, Pasqualino decides to survive by providing sexual favors to the obese and ugly female commandant (Stoler). His plan succeeds, except for the fact that he is then put in charge of the barracks as a kapo, and is obliged to select six men to be killed under the threat that if he doesn't do so, they will all be killed. Pasqualino ends up executing the soldier with whom he was captured and being responsible for the death of another fellow prisoner, a Spanish anarchist. At the war's end, upon his return to Naples, Pasqualino discovers that his seven sisters, his fiancée and even his mother have all survived through prostitution.
The Basilisks
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Dans une petite ville du sud de l'Italie corsetée par des convenances d'un autre âge, trois jeunes hommes rêvent de femmes et d'amour. Mais dans cette région où il n'est pas question de désobéir à son père, les trois malheureux n'ont pas beaucoup d'occasions de rencontres avec le beau sexe. Seuls la sieste et leurs bavardages leur permettent d'échapper au désoeuvrement. Aussi rêvent-ils d'autres horizon. C'est alors que l'un d'eux part pour Rome. A son retour, il raconte à ses compagnons ses incroyables aventures nocturnes. Premier film d'une réalisatrice italienne imprégnée de néo-réalisme, "I basilischi" est une véritable curiosité, servie par un superbe noir et blanc, une narration chorale et la musique de Morricone.
Ciao, Professore!, 1h35
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Genres Comedy
Themes Films about education
Actors Paolo Villaggio, Paolo Bonacelli, Isa Danieli
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Marco Tullio Sperelli is a professor of Italian language for children from the region of Liguria in northern Italy. Due to a failure of the Ministry of Education, he is transferred not to another northern town, but instead a similar-sounding town near Naples, in southern Italy. There he finds a school where the students, teachers and parents deal with the poverty of the south in a resigned and practical manner that he feels are unworthy of the morality, ethics and education children should learn. (For example, most of the children avoid school because they must work for a living to help support their families).