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Okay cat. Hello lions. Hello lions! What'ya doin'? What's that rogue Togar doing here? God, Togar, why today of all days?
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Jerry: It'll sure be great seeing him after three years!
Melanie: Yeah! I couldn't believe how fast he split for Africa after he got his grant, and the zoo let him take the little cubs he raised.
[chuckles] You'd think he'd take the kids he raised!
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Hank: Prentiss, your actions aren't necessary. The government knows there's a better way; they're moving the people out of the migration paths. I don't know what kind of person like you could look into the eyes of 200 elephants and put out those lights. They'd run franticly and panic...
[interrupts Hank] Do you think your lions would run in panic?
Hank: Well, you'd better start with me first.
Prentiss: No, I'll start with the tigers first; that'll teach you for bringing them to Africa!