Roma, also known as Fellini's Roma, is a 1972 semi-autobiographical, poetic comedy-drama film depicting director Federico Fellini's move from his native Rimini to Rome as a youth.
Roma is formed by a series of loosely connected episodes. The plot is minimal, and the only character to develop significantly is Rome herself. Peter Gonzales plays the young Fellini, and the film features mainly unknowns in the cast.Synopsis
Federico Fellini recounts his youth in Rome, an extremely crude, corrupt, cruel city, without shame or morals. Memorable is the scene where he along with his friends in their young teens go to a third-class theater to see some simple shows. People do not applaud; instead whistles, burps, fart sounds and angry tirades are hurled against the poor actors who eventually have had enough of their audiences' vulgar and unprecedented rudeness, leading them to turn against the public.