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Rose Bernd is a film of genre Drama directed by Wolfgang Staudte released in USA on 23 january 1959 with Maria Schell

Rose Bernd (1957)

Rose Bernd
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Released in USA 23 january 1959
Length 1h38
Directed by
Genres Drama
Rating65% 3.2712453.2712453.2712453.2712453.271245

Rose Bernd is a 1957 German drama film directed by Wolfgang Staudte. It was entered into the 1957 Cannes Film Festival.


Maria Schell

(Rose Bernd)
Raf Vallone

(Arthur Streckmann)
Leopold Biberti

(Christoph Flamm)
Hannes Messemer

(August Keil)
Arthur Wiesner

(Vater Bernd)
Trailer of Rose Bernd

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