Offers is a 2005 Dutch television film directed by Dana Nechushtan and starring Maryam Hassouni and Jacob Derwig. The thriller film is a personal drama about suicide bombers and counter-terrorism in Western Europe.
In 2006 Maryam Hassouni won an International Emmy Award for her role as Laila al Gatawi.Synopsis
Khalid al Gatawi (Iliass Ojja) is about to become a suicide bomber in Paris. Even though he hesitates, his bomb is detonated from a distance by a cell phone. In the explosion a Dutch woman is killed and her Lebanese husband is seriously injured. Haron Nasrallah (Jacob Derwig), the son of the senior couple, is a police officer in Amsterdam. When the trail of the bombing leads back to the Netherlands, he decides to cooperate with the secret intelligence service.