Senna is a 2010 British documentary film that depicts the life and death of Brazilian motor-racing champion Ayrton Senna, directed by Asif Kapadia. The film was produced by StudioCanal, Working Title Films, and Midfield Films, and was distributed by the parent company of the latter two production companies, Universal Pictures.
The film's narrative focuses on Senna's racing career in Formula One, from his debut in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix to his death in an accident at the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, with particular emphasis on his rivalry with fellow driver Alain Prost. It relies primarily on archive racetrack footage and home video clips provided by the Senna family, rather than retrospective video interviews, and has no formal commentary.Synopsis
À partir d'images d'archives remastérisées, le film raconte le parcours d'Ayrton Senna, du karting à la Formule 1. Les intervenants ne sont qu'entendus en voix off, laissant toute la place à l'image au pilote brésilien. En F1, on suit les débuts du pilote au volant de la Toleman en 1984, jusqu'à son accident mortel du mois de mai 1994 et aux hommages nationaux qui lui seront rendus au Brésil par ses pairs et le pays tout entier.