F.W. Murnau
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[as Schreck dies] Death of centuries! Moonchaser! Blasphemer! Monkey! Vase of prehistory. Finally to Earth, and finally born.
Max Schreck
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There was a time when I fed from golden chalices, but now... Don't look at me that way! Now I feed as an old men pees. Sometimes all at once, sometimes drop by drop.
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F.W. Murnau: Why would you possibly want to be in a play when you could be in a film?
Greta Schroeder: An audience gives me life.
[gestures to camera] This... thing only takes it from me.
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[after Shreck attacks a cameraman]
F.W. Murnau: Why him, you monster?! Why not the script girl?
Max Shreck: Oh, the script girl. I'll eat her later.
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Albin Grau: What is the most wondrous thing you ever saw?
Henrik Galeen: I once saw Greta Schroeder naked.
Albin Grau: That beats ectoplasm!