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[trying to convince Donkey to let Puss in Boots join them] Aw c'mon, Donkey. Look at him! In his wee li'l boots! You know, how many cats can wear boots? Honestly?
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[after robbing two men of their clothes] Thank you, gentlemen! Someday, I will repay you. Unless, of course, I can't find you or if I forget.
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Come on, Shrek, it only seems bad because it's dark and rainy and Fiona's father hired a sleazy hitman to whack you.
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[in the argument at the dinner table] I gotta go to the bathroom.
(Dinner is served) Never mind, I can hold it!
Puss in Boots
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¡Eh, tú, pedazo de carne con patas! ¡¿Como te atreves a hacerme esto?!
[translation: "Hey, you slab of meat with legs! How dare you do this to me?!"]Gingy
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Prince Charming: Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, the king and queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, and throughout the land, everyone was happy...until the sun went down and they saw that their daughter was cursed with a frightful enchantment that took hold each and every night. Desperate, they sought the help of a fairy godmother who had them lock the young princess away in a tower, there to await the kiss of the handsome Prince Charming. It was he who would chance the perilous journey through blistering cold and scorching desert, traveling for many days and nights, risking life and limb to reach the dragon's keep. For he was
the bravest, and most handsome…
[shakes head in slow motion] ...In all the land. And it was destiny that his kiss would break the dreaded curse. He alone would climb to the highest room of the tallest tower to the princess' chambers, cross the room to her sleeping silhouette, pull back the gossamer curtains to find her...
[the prince gasps, seeing the Big Bad Wolf in Fiona's place]
Big Bad Wolf: What?
Prince Charming: Princess... Fiona?
Wolf: No!
[relieved] Oh, thank heavens. Where is she?
Wolf: She's on her honeymoon.
Charming: Honeymoon, with whom?!
[Scene changes to Shrek and Fiona entering their bridal suite.]
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Donkey: Don't you worry, I will always be here to make sure no one bothers you.
Shrek: Donkey.
Donkey: Yes, roomy?
You're bothering me.
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Donkey: Royal ball? Can I come?
Shrek: We're not going.
Fiona and Donkey: What?
Shrek: I mean, don't you think they might be a bit shocked to see you like this?
Fiona: Well, they might be a bit surprised. But they're my parents, Shrek. They love me. And don't worry. They'll love you, too.
Shrek: Yeah, right. Somehow I don't think I'll be welcome at the country club.
Fiona: Stop it. They're not like that.
Shrek: How do you explain Sergeant Pompous and the Fancy Pants Club Band?
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Donkey: All right, all right. I get it! I'm just so darn bored!
Shrek: Well, find a way to entertain yourself.
[Donkey pops his lips, then again, and Shrek grows more impatient, then Donkey pops his lips a third time]
[restrains temper] Oh! For five minutes... Could you not be yourself?
[loudly] FOR FIVE MINUTES!!!
[after another moment of silence, Donkey pops his lips one last time]
[screams in frustration] ARE WE THERE YET?!?!
Fiona: Yes!
Donkey: Oh, finally!
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[lets out a loud belch that interrupts a conversation] Oh! Excuse me.
Shrek: Better out than in, I always say. Eh, Fiona?
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Harold: Charming! Is that you? My gosh, it's been years! When did you get back?
[irritated] Oh, about
5 minutes ago, actually.
[Raised tone] After I
endured blistering winds, scorching desert, I climbed to the highest room of the tallest tower–
[cut off by his mother]
Fairy Godmother: Tut, tut, tut. Mummy can handle this.
[to King Harold, using the same hostile tone Charming used earlier] He endures blistering winds and scorching desert! He climbs to the highest bloody room of the tallest bloody tower, and what does he find?! Some gender-confused wolf telling him that his princess is already married!