Silence = Death is a 1990 documentary film directed, written and produced by Rosa von Praunheim. The film centers on the response of some New York City artists to the AIDS epidemic. The interviewed includes East Village artist David Wojnarowicz, poet Allen Ginsberg, graffiti artist Keith Haring (who died from AIDS three months before the movie's release), Peter Kunz, Bern Boyle, and many others. It is the first part of von Praunheim and Phil Zwickler's trilogy about AIDS and activism it was followed by Positive (the third part, about the AIDS epidemic in Germany, was never released).Synopsis
This film explores the reactions and response of New York City's artistic community to the ravages of the AIDS epidemic and other issues of homosexuality. Activist interview include representatives from the many arts organizations that have alerted the public to the crisis through performance art, music, theater and literature. Even with the gentler voices, the film’s undercurrent is an angry demand for action and recognition.