Silver on the Sage is a 1939 American Western film directed by Lesley Selander and written by Maurice Geraghty. The film stars William Boyd, George "Gabby" Hayes, Russell Hayden, Ruth Rogers, Stanley Ridges, Frederick Burton and Jack Rockwell. The film was released on March 31, 1939, by Paramount Pictures. Silver on the Sage was Hopalong Cassidy series entry number 25.Synopsis
Windy (George "Gabby" Hayes) makes the mistake of accusing the buyer, Lazy-J owner Tom Hamilton (Frederick Burton), of the theft, but Lucky (Russell Hayden) suspects the foreman Dave Talbot (Stanley Ridges). Hamilton is murdered, however, and Talbot has the perfect alibi: He was playing cards at the Mirage Bar where Hoppy (William Boyd) had gotten himself a job under the guise of being the noted gambler Bill Thompson. With Talbot not able to be in two places at the same time, the marshal (Jack Rockwell) has no choice but to arrest Lucky for murder.