Sindhu Samaveli is a 2010 Tamil drama film directed by Samy. The film featured debutants Anaka (Amala Paul), Harish Kalyan and Ghajini in the lead roles. The story revolves around an illicit relationship between a girl and her father-in-law. The film became Samy's third controversial film in succession, achieving an "A" certificate upon censor following Uyir and Mirugam. The film released on September 3, 2010 and did poor at the box office.Synopsis
Anbu (Harish Kalyan) is a brilliant student in a village school, in Kanyakumari area. His mother teaches in the same school and his father Veerasami (Ghajini) is a CRPF soldier in Assam. His classmate, Sundari (Amala Paul), who is elder to him by three years falls for him. One day, his father gets injured in a militant attack and takes voluntary retirement and comes back to the village. The father dotes on his family, especially his son, but tragedy strikes as his wife dies from a snake bite.