Small Faces (1996) is a Scottish film directed by Gillies MacKinnon about gangs, specifically the Tongs, in 1960s Glasgow. It stars Iain Robertson, Joseph McFadden, Steven Duffy, Kevin McKidd, Laura Fraser, Mark McConnochie, Clare Higgins, Garry Sweeney, Colin McCredie and Alastair Galbraith.
The film was produced in 1995 by Skyline Productions in association with the BBC Film Fund and subsequently released in 1996 and distributed by Pathé - a division of 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. The film received a BBFC Certificate of 15 (intended for audiences aged 15 and over) within the United Kingdom. Some argued that because of the high levels of violence and adult themes portrayed in this film, an 18 Certificate would have been more suitable.
The film was shot on location at various districts in Glasgow, including Darnley, Sighthill, Partick, Merrylee, Mount Florida and Bishopbriggs and in Edinburgh. Scenes were also shot at the Glasgow School of Art. The piece won the title of 'Best British Film' at the Edinburgh Film Festival.
The song In The Year 2525 by Zager and Evans is used as music over the closing credits.Synopsis
Glasgow, Scotland, 1968. Three teenage brothers - gang member Bobby, artistically-minded Alan and 13-year-old Lex - are growing up with their mother on the South Side of the city. Events which will have consequences for all concerned start to spiral out of control when Lex accidentally shoots Malky, the leader of the Garaside Tongs street gang, with an air gun ...