Sosy Problems is a Filipino comedy film produced by GMA Films and directed by Andoy Ranay. It stars Rhian Ramos, Heart Evangelista, Solenn Heussaff, and Bianca King. The film is one of the eight official entries of the 2012 Metro Manila Film Festival which began on December 25, 2012.Synopsis
In the movie, Rhian Ramos plays Lizzie, the spoiled-rich daughter of a hotelier who is a self-appointed leader of the Sosy group; Bianca King portrays Danielle, the daughter of a politician who is on the brink of being impeached from office; Solenn Heussaff is Margaux, the daughter of the former beauty queen (Cherie Gil) and the bestfriend and half sister of Claudia (Heart Evangelista) who is also the daughter of a beauty queen (Agot Isidro). Margaux and Claudia were competing one another from beauty to the only man they see who is Benjo (Aljur Abrenica), an all-around employee at the Polo Club.