Speed Racer
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I'm not a child, Pops. You can't tell me how to live my life. If you want to fire me as your driver, then fine, do it. But it won't change the fact that
I am going to finish this race.
Racer X/ Rex Racer
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A CIB man will be posted outside your room. We got their attention today. You and Trixie should be very careful.
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Are you kidding? Every one of us has to find a reason to do this. You don't climb into a T-180 to be a driver; you do it because you're driven.
Taejo Togokhan
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If we drive tomorrow...Like we drove today, WE WILL LOSE! You will get nothing. All of this will be
Meaningless! Dialogue
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Mom: Distracted?
Speed's Teacher: No, that's not exactly right. Your son seems to be interested in only one thing. All he talks about, all he seems capable of thinking about, is automobile racing.
Mom: Well, you know, his father designs racing cars.
Speed's Teacher: And where is your husband?
Mom: Working. He couldn't be here.
Speed's Teacher: Perhaps the apple hasn't fallen very far from the tree.
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Ben Burns:
[to Speed, in the Fuji locker room] Hey, kid.
Speed: Ben Burns?...
Ben Burns: Nice race. I ain't seen moves like that in a long time.
[pause] Didn't matter. I still lost.
Ben Burns: Yeah. Tough break.
Ben Burns: Well. Good luck.
[turns to leave]
[pause] Mr. Burns, can I ask you something?
Ben Burns: Sure, kid.
Speed: The '43 Prix. Did you know you were gonna win?
Ben Burns:
[pause] Y'know, everybody thought that me and Stickleton hated each other. Funny, ain't it?
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[on the phone to Cruncher Block] Ineptitude.
Cruncher Block: They ain't chequered yet.
Royalton: If they do, I assure you, it will be a very costly mistake for everyone!
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[finding him hiding in his trunk] Spritle!
Trixie: You little sneak!
Spritle: It wasn't my idea!
Speed: Oh no?
[pointing to Chim-Chim, who points back] It was his.
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Trixie: Oh my God. Was that a ninja?
Pops: More like, a non-ja.--Terrible, what passes for a ninja these days.
Trixie: Cool beans!