Stargate: The Ark of Truth is a 2008 Canadian-American military science fiction film in the Stargate franchise, acting as a sequel to the television series Stargate SG-1. It is written and directed by Robert C. Cooper, produced by Cooper, John G. Lenic, and the series' creator Brad Wright, and stars its regular cast. The film is the conclusion of the Ori arc, and picks up after the SG-1 series finale. However, it takes place before the Stargate Atlantis third season finale.
The Ark of Truth was released as a Region 1 DVD on March 11, 2008. Sky One has broadcast the film on March 24, 2008, to be followed by the Region 2 DVD release on April 28, 2008 with the Region 4 DVD release on April 9, 2008. SPACE has broadcast the film on September 13, 2008. The SciFi Channel premiered the movie on March 27, 2009.
It is the first of two Stargate SG-1 direct-to-DVD films, the second one being Stargate: Continuum.Synopsis
SG-1 discovers a box that they believe contains the Ark of Truth while digging on Dakara, but before they can open it, Ori soldiers arrive, led by Tomin. Daniel tricks them into opening the box, but it is revealed to be a fake. When Tomin is ordered by a Prior to kill them, he refuses, and Mitchell kills the Prior, whose powers were being blocked by the Anti-Prior device. Shocked at the death of their Prior, the Ori soldiers surrender with Tomin returning to Earth with SG-1 where he resides at the SGC for a time.